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Fair Game – Magic the Gathering Casual Commander Night

Fair Game Downers Grove hosts Magic the Gathering Commander every Wednesday from 5:30 to 9:00 PM CST. New and experienced players are invited to join us for this casual event. There will be a $5 venue fee required to participate in the event. Participants with a valid Junior/High School ID will have that fee reduced […]

Fair Game – Star Wars Legion Casual Meetup

Fair Game Downers Grove is hosting Star Wars Legion every Thursday from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. New and experienced players are invited to join us for this casual event. There will be a $5 venue fee required to participate in the event. Participants with a valid Junior/High School ID will have that fee reduced […]

Ballydoylle Presents The Basement Bums

About the Event The Basement Bums is a cover band playing anything from 60s-70s classic rock to metal to modern alternative hits. Meeting in medical school, each of the four members found an escape in music and love to share their blend of musical interests. Join the ‘bums as they rock out Ballydoyle Irish Pub!

Fair Game – FNM – Magic the Gathering Casual Commander Night

Fair Game Downers Grove hosts Magic the Gathering Commander every Friday from 5:30 to 10:00 PM CST. New and experienced players are invited to join us for this casual event. There will be a $5 venue fee required to participate in the event. Participants with a valid Junior/High School ID will have that fee reduced […]

Anderson’s Bookshop Presents Tarek El Moussa

Tarek El Moussa   Join Anderson’s Bookshop for a signing line with author Tarek El Moussa, to celebrate the release of Flip Your Life, on Friday, February 9th at 6pm in our Downers Grove Store. Event Format: Signing & Photo Line Pre-registration is required for this event because space is limited. TICKETS & MORE INFO […]

Pinecone Cottage Tea House – Paczki Teatorial & Demi Tea

Learn the secrets of creating the perfect Paczki – a traditional, round, doughnut-like pastry with a delightful eggy and yeasty flavor. Chef Pamela will teach you how to make Cheese, Rose Hip, and Powidl (plum jam) Paczki, which are typically enjoyed on Fat Tuesday, but can be enjoyed all year round. With the Demi Tea, […]

Kerwell Launch Party

Kerwell CBD House 949 Burlington Ave., Downers Grove, IL, United States

Kerwell x Lip Couture Create your own Clean, Custom, Chic lipstick now at Kerwell! Join us for an evening of beauty with complimentary lip readings, prizes, custom lipstick demos and more.  See you there!

Two Way Street Coffee House – Ed Ellis

  Two Way Street Coffee House is Chicagoland’s most beloved folk and acoustic music venue, presenting weekly concerts and community events for over 50 years!  The show starts at 8pm (CT) and the doors open at 7:30pm. (Suggested donation $10).  We will also host this concert virtually.  You may access the livestream on, on […]

Ballydoyle Presents Hoodwink’d

About the Event Comprised of veteran players with decades of live event experience, Hoodwink’d dishes out a fun, infectious mix of classic rock, pop, and R&B from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond. Songs you know and love, but aren’t hearing played by most bands. All delivered by musicians who love what they do. ​ […]

Fair Game – Pokémon TCG League

Pokémon TCG players of all ages (especially our younger Pokémon trainers) are invited to join us from 10 AM to 12 PM on Saturday mornings at either our Downers Grove, La Grange, or Geneva location. Admission to this casual event is free! Participants in the event will have the opportunity to play casual games of Pokémon with one another as […]