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Pinecone Cottage Tea House – Tea Shoppes of West Virginia Afternoon Tea

West Virginia is a picturesque haven, boasting stunning landscapes of rolling hills, majestic mountains, serene rivers, and vibrant greenery. Last summer, Paul and I took a two-week road trip through West Virginia in route to Josie and Thomas’ wedding. Josie was a valued member of our team for many years, and we hold her dear […]

Fair Game – Outlaws at Thunder Junction Draft Prerelease

Join us at our Downers Grove location for a Draft prerelease event featuring the upcoming set: Outlaws at Thunder Junction. Draft events are great for casual to experienced players. Each player will receive three packs that they will use to draft a set of cards with the other players. once they have drafted their cards they will put […]

Ballydoyle Presents Snapshot

About the Event SNAPSHOT - The ULTIMATE CLASSIC ROCK EXPERIENCE Made up of Chicago's finest musicians. Former members of Hi Infidelity, Arra, Evolution, Epic, Headbangers Ball. All the Big hits of Journey, REO, Styx, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, much more. Sit back, close your eyes, it's like hearing the real thing.

Pinecone Cottage Tea House – Tea Shoppes of West Virginia Afternoon Tea

West Virginia is a picturesque haven, boasting stunning landscapes of rolling hills, majestic mountains, serene rivers, and vibrant greenery. Last summer, Paul and I took a two-week road trip through West Virginia in route to Josie and Thomas’ wedding. Josie was a valued member of our team for many years, and we hold her dear […]

Fair Game – Outlaws at Thunder Junction Sealed Prerelease

Join us at our Downers Grove location for a Sealed Deck prerelease event featuring the upcoming set: Outlaws at Thunder Junction. This event will be a three-round Swiss tournament with 50 minutes of time to construct your 40-card deck utilizing the cards in your Prerelease Kit. These events tend to sell out so don't wait, preregister now!

Pinecone Cottage Tea House – Tea Shoppes of West Virginia Afternoon Tea

West Virginia is a picturesque haven, boasting stunning landscapes of rolling hills, majestic mountains, serene rivers, and vibrant greenery. Last summer, Paul and I took a two-week road trip through West Virginia in route to Josie and Thomas’ wedding. Josie was a valued member of our team for many years, and we hold her dear […]

Fair Game – Star Wars X-Wing Casual Meetup

Fair Game Downers Grove hosts Star Wars X-wing every Monday from 5:30 to 9:00 PM CST. New and experienced players are invited to join us for this casual event. There will be a $5 venue fee required to participate in the event. Participants with a valid Junior/High School ID will have that fee reduced to […]

Fair Game – Star Wars Unlimited Casual Premier Meetup

Fair Game is hosting Star Wars Unlimited meetups each week! New and experienced players are invited to join us for this casual event. Participants should bring with them a deck for the Premier format. Players will receive a Weekly Play pack as a participation prize. There is a $5 venue fee required for admission into the event. This […]

Fair Game – Open Painting Night

Join us at Fair Game Downers Grove and dive into the world of miniatures painting every Tuesday night! We will have painting stations set up at the store where community members will be able to work on miniatures projects in the company of our welcoming hobby community. We will have a selection of paints, brushes, […]